Made with AI

Be transparent about your use of AI imagery

with a freely-licensed, immediately recognizable badge.

AI generated image of a sailboat on a stormy sea with a 'made with AI' badge in the lower-right corner AI generated image of an abstract painting of a cocktail party with a 'made with AI' badge in the lower-right corner AI generated image of a cityscape watercolor with a 'made with AI' badge in the lower-right corner AI generated image of a sketch of a human figure on a couch with a 'made with AI' badge in the lower-right corner
Download Badges

We may not like AI, but people are using it.

Some of those people are using it without the intention to deceive, and would welcome a way to make it clear that an image they are sharing was generated by AI.

As far as I could tell, aside from the occasional cryptic watermark (DALL-E’s color strip, for instance), no universal mark exists for indicating that something has been generated by AI.

I thought this should exist, so I made it.

Usage Guidance

You are free to use the badge however you like, but here are some suggestions.

  1. Make the badge at least 5% of the width of your image, and 50px minimum.
  2. Place the badge at the bottom-right corner of the image, at a distance from the edge that is ¼ the size of its width.


The badge absolutely could use some internationalization. I plan to release the source Sketch files as soon as they’re in good shape so that people can make these if they like.